Sunday, November 20, 2022

East Bound - Day 6

We are at the farm! Sarah & Greg arrived about an hour after we did. We all got unpacked and they ran off to the grab some groceries (& something for dinner). It was so nice to sit around with them and just talk about stuff.

Years ago I installed a 50A welding outlet in the parking area (under the tree house) and so I plugged in to charge the car back up. We arrived at 18% and I told it to charge up to 90%. The travel charger is limited to 32 Amps, so it could deliver 7.8 kW and charged the car from 18% to 90% in 6.5 hours (completing overnight). I'm guessing that I won't have to charge until the weekend. Maybe sooner if we decide to take some longer trips around the area to see family & friends.

As I was plugging in the car, my second cousin David came up (he and his brothers lease about 40 acres of our land and grow crops on it). He was checking on the cotton harvest. He said it was pretty good this year, but the deer were eating a lot of the crop this year. We lease out the rest of our land to other cousins to hunt the deer, and hopefully keep their numbers down.

It's hard to get a feel for the scale of those "modules". They are 40' long, 6' wide and 6' high of cotton that has been so compressed that it's a brick. Later a truck will come by and slide the whole thing into a trailer to take it to the cotton gin.

We will just be hanging around the area for the next two weeks, so I'm not planning on posting a blog entry every day. But I will if there's something interesting that I think you would like to see. The next trip we will be taking will be to Jacksonville, FL to see Brian & Debbie, at the end of next week.  

The whole trip so far:

Total: 2,720.8 Miles, 983.9 kWh consumed = 362 Wh/mile
Today: 227.1Miles, 4:04 driving, 76.7 kWh consumed = 338 Wh/mile. 

Here is the detailed data:

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