Sunday, December 8, 2019

Thoughts on Tesla's "Enhanced Autopilot" (2019 version)

What it does well:
- It keeps the lane and the distance you set to the car ahead of you quite well in most circumstances.
  • The open freeway with trucks and being passed by cars it was excellent. It knows what the speed limit is so you know if you are speeding (or how much you are speeding). Since we weren't in a hurry I usually set it for 3 over.
  • In stop-and-go traffic it is amazing.  It will happily follow the car in front of you, stopping, starting, speeding up, slowing down - whatever the car in front is doing.
- It reduced my driving fatigue greatly
  • I was able to focus on the other cars doing stupid things (which we saw a lot).
  • I was able to pay more attention to cars overtaking us and was able to reliably make room for those entering the freeway.
  • I did not need to worry if changing lanes was safe.  It would not let me change lanes if there was anything there. I just indicated and it would make the lane change. It did have issues with some of the lane changes some times though (see annoyances, below).
What it does not do well:
- Throughout the drive after an exit that we were not supposed to take, it would say that I should go from the slow to the fast lane to "stay on route". When I didn't do it, sometimes it would bing at me, but then after the on ramp it would stop saying I needed to move over.
- At every on ramp it would notice that the lane had suddenly gotten two lanes wide and move right to get in the middle of the lane.  This was just annoying at first, but after 2,000 miles of it, I was really ready for it to stop.
- When approaching some exits it acted like it thought we were supposed to take the exit, slowed down a lot and then decided that we were okay and sped back up. Luckily none of the times it did this were were being followed too closely.

- Failed lane changes
- Breaking before a lane change when trying to do it quickly because the overtaking truck was 6" from my bumper and wanted past me. Seemed to mainly happen when I was changing back to the slow lane in front of a semi and I started the lane change "too close" for the autopilot system, so it's response was to slow down and then do the lane change. By slowing down, however, it was getting closer to the semi we were overtaking and it also got us ridiculously close the the tailgating truck wanting by.

All in all, totally worth it - especially when I compare it to the other "enhanced cruise" systems that are out there.  I've talked to people with the Honda, Toyota, & Lexus systems and they are not really happy with them when they hear what my car can do.

You see, they are trapped with the firmware that they were sold. My car gets updates and becomes more capable every time... THAT's the big difference.

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