Friday, November 22, 2019

2019 East Bound - Day 3

It was a much easier drive today since the weather cleared up. It was still quite cold (in the mid-30s) but the roads were dry and I didn't have to contend with spray off truck tires.

There were a couple of interesting things that happened at the Childress supercharger. As we tend to do, drivers talk and as we pulled up on driver noticed we had California plates and asked if we were going East. When I said yes, he said that I should stop at the new supercharger in Henrietta, TX. It is not yet on the Tesla map, so it does not show up in the car yet. That's a great place for one, because without my aero wheels I would have had to drive the speed limit (or below it!).

Not on the tesla map:

I notice that the ABetterRoutePlanner website shows it though:

A little later a car pulls up going West and I ask him about it.  He says that it is open and it's not on the Tesla map because it isn't commissioned as a v3 charger yet. He says that he spoke with folks working on the site, and they said that Tesla didn't want to publish it until the v3 commissioning was complete.

When we get to Henrietta, it is a v3 charger (v2 maxes out at 120 kW, v3 goes to 150 kW):

Also at Childress, I spent a long time chatting with some random guy in a Dodge Ram diesel dually. He wants to know all about the car and hints a couple of times for a ride. I decline because the back seat is full of our crap, but I told him to not be shy to strike up a conversation with folks he sees at superchargers. Everyone is happy to evangelize about Tesla (he got a kick out of my saying evangelize). I spent so much time chatting with people I overshot my 80% target and went into the low 90s.

Here are the drives and charges for today:

Totals for the day:
448.7 miles, 153.2 kWh, 341.4 Wh/mi ( 2.9 miles/kWh)
8 hrs 56 minutes total trip time (50.2 mph, including lunch & dinner stops).
Actual drive time was 6 hrs, 43 minutes (66.8 mph)

Totals for the trip:
1732.5 miles, 593.2 kWh, 342.4 Wh/mi (2.9 miles/kWh)
35 hrs 23 minutes total trip time (49.0 mph, including lunch & dinner stops).
Actual drive time was 25 hrs, 49 minutes (67.1 mph)

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