Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2019 East Bound - Day 1

I charged up the night before to 96% (I didn't want to be completely full since I wouldn't get the benefit of regenerating all the way down the hill to sea level to get on the freeway). We left the house at 6:30 and grabbed coffee and breakfast at the Summit Store then we were on our way.

We drove to Kettleman City where they were upgrading the superchargers to 150 kW (from 120).

Driving from Kettleman City to Mojave I realized that I had forgotten to put the aero-covers on the wheels... DOH!  That's why we were consuming more energy than on the last trip. By that time we were 150 miles in, so I'm not turning around to go get them...

I guess I'll just have to be as energy efficient as a Model X for the rest of the trip. Note the Watt-hours/mile number below - I used 277 Wh/mi on the whole trip last year, now I'm using 365!

Here's the rest of the trip:
Notice how the consumption number (Wh/mi) goes up with the increased average speed. The speed limit in California is 65 and in Arizona it's 75. In parts of Texas it's 85, so I may have to be careful on that really long stretch across West Texas.

Totals for the day:
614.5 miles, 206.6 kWh, 336.2 Wh/mi (2.97 miles/kWh)
13 hrs 30 minutes total trip time (45.5 mph, including lunch & dinner stops).
Actual drive time was 9 hrs, 19 minutes (65.9 mph)

1 comment:

  1. Well at least your Tesla looks cooler without the wheel covers...
